A Womans Plague

So what a task to unite women and is it even possible?  Can a forum truly be created where honesty and candid conversation can be had without someone getting their feelings hurt or being left out?  I hope so I don’t know for sure but I can try.

In my life I have hosted and or participated in more than one slumber party, women’s event, work scenario, baby shower, in-home party, book club, kids play group, mom’s group etc. Inevitably someone’s feelings get involved because they were not invited, they thought something should have been handled differently and tears even occasionally arise or worse angry words.  Some of you may have experienced this and know what I mean.

I recognize this and I’m just going to say it…”I’m doing my best”.  Let’s for once presume that everyone else is too.  I recognize that someone’s best is based on their desires, knowledge, life experiences and what’s ticking inside their heart and mind.  Which means the best is going to vary from person to person and that’s okay.

The point of this and my ultimate desire is to help us be more than we can ever be on our own and guess what all women are invited.  I mean that.  I’m frankly tired of being separated into categories based on labels having to do with money, education, religion, motherhood, sexual orientation, culture, careers, sports, or vacationing and the cars we drive and the worst one of all what is proper to say.

I’ve decided if tee-shirts, radio stations and t.v. can spew vulgarity, sexuality and perversion in the name of money.  The time has to come to talk openly about the complexities of being female and the balancing act we do that is common to all women and is not focused primarily on sexuality which is a tiny portion of what makes us female.

I personally have a wide variety of friendships and varied interests. I by nature am just eclectic.  If you were to put all my friends in a room and I wasn’t there it could be awkward.  I have even been asked by some of my friends why I am with other friends and the bottom line is I love people.  I love to be around them, watch them, listen to them, learn and enjoy them.

I recognize that this makes me just a little bit different and just the type of woman to start such a forum. Throughout history great leaders have been appointed and have appointed themselves to assist and do great things and so here I am.  I personally think it would be a great thing to unite women and with the help of the unseen forces of this world believe it can be done.

I want to erase the shame and fear that has been placed upon us as women by civilizations past and present and transform us into something more.  Women of truth and beauty who know who they are and the very roots of any shame that has been placed upon them I will strive to help cut down.

As a group the shame of our sex can be traced to the simple story of Mother Eve and the forbidden fruit.  This story is told in various versions in almost every culture throughout the world and it needs to be reframed.  It needs to be replanted in our hearts  so that it can cultivate and elevate the strength that is within all of us individually and collectively as women.  The strength to bear the many things that are placed upon us and tell the truth about who we really are and can be; equality is not the same it means to have the same value we don’t have to look or act like men to be equal we just have to be woman.

As woman we never say the truth about so many things and what some stuff really is about. WHY?  Changing the name of something doesn’t change the reality of what is.  Not telling the truth to protect someone’s feelings is still lying.   Not being honest with yourself prevents you from just simply being you.

I’ve decided that I want to just say what it is.  Whatever “it” is! I don’t beat around the bush because what’s the point.  It muddies the water and makes it harder to find your way in an already complicated world.

Woman’s strength’s lye in nurturing and training.  It’s time to lead from this vantage point.  There are so many of us that are lost and broken and trying to just figure out where to go for some relief.  With so much information to sift through, so many responsibilities and time constraints I am going to attempt to create an oasis of strength for all of us to draw from.  I’m going to create an online community to unite women.  All women are invited.  This is how I define a woman.  If you will or should have had a period, if you currently have a period or you previously had a period you belong.

It’s time to talk about the real issues.  Not just the superficial ones.  We are under attack and we need to strengthen ourselves, our families and our communities with the truth about life.

I am a Co-dependent of a Sexual Addict and I know that I am not alone.  This is different than adultery.  For generations of time adultery has been spoken of as common and many women have looked the other way to save their families.  Adultery and Addiction are two very different levels of selfish behavior.

Addiction is not about deciding to sleep with a co-worker or the secretary at the office.  It involves ritualistic behavior, mood swings, and patterns that condition the spouse and the family.  It’s private and secret and actually leads to living a double life of lies where they not only solicit pornography, but they solicit themselves.  They get involved in online and phone sexting forums, join groups, create virtual avatars and lives, find victims to catfish, role play, video chat etc. and it slowly kills the souls of those who participate and has the potential to destroy the spirit of the woman…

When a woman’s spirit dies it affects the whole family she will drop all of her motherly and management duties.  It can lead to depression and to her manifesting addictions and addictive behavior as a result of their codependency and this leads to destruction.  Until we have the courage to talk about it, teach about it and learn about it we cannot fight it or protect ourselves from it and eventually end it.

This plague needs a woman’s touch we need to be educated and trained about it because if you are fortunate enough not to experience it the truth is you will know someone who is.  You have daughters and granddaughters and it’s time to talk about sex not ignore it.