We’ve Been There

Dysfunction leads to RESENTMENT and it builds up and we have all types of negative consequences as a result: arguments/regret/guilt/sadness/loss/depression/anxiety/fear/kids that fail to launch/postponing happiness/always waiting for the future and missing the present/more debt/missed opportunities/never being satisfied with what you have/always wanting more to fill the gaping need machines in your life. And you spend all your Time REACTING in your life. Overwhelmed, tired and stressed because of the inefficiencies in your life and then that hits your self-esteem.

You start to feel trapped and of no real value and reaching your full potential and understanding why I’m doing what I’m doing makes managing home life from laundry, cooking, dishes and parenting unbearable.

Unfortunately these emotions lead to looking for escapes—drugs, alcohol, shopping, gaming, eating and any other practice that can lead to an addiction that puts you on the hamster wheel of futile living. That robs you of the things you hold most dear.

Or maybe you just want more time for self-care or hobbies. Maybe your tired of being responsible while everyone else gets to play and you want some free-time balance in your home.

The family dynamics can affect all aspects of our lives and homes. If we are experiencing relationship difficulty it very well might stem from inefficient home- system functioning.

We understand what it’s like to live in a dysfunctional home because we’ve been there, which is why we put our professional experience to use to build a happy efficient home together and are now working to bring that to others.

Sometimes it helps to have a conversation with a third party especially someone who has been there.